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Inhofe Calls for Investigation into Alleged Human Rights Violations Sanctioned by UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Inhofe Puts Spotlight on Global Warming Human Rights Abuses Just Weeks Before UN Climate Conference in Africa

Link to Letter to Secretary Clinton

Washington, D.C. - Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, sent a letter last night to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asking her to conduct an investigation into alleged human rights violations sanctioned by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in its efforts to promote offsets for greenhouse gas emissions. These violations have come to light just weeks before the United Nations climate change conference in Durban, South Africa.  If they are not addressed in an appropriate manner, Senator Inhofe will offer an amendment that will cut off U.S. funding to the UNFCCC until it puts a stop to these human rights abuses.  

Full Transcript

Hello, I'm Jim Inhofe, conservative Republican Senator from Oklahoma.

For over the past decade, I have been successful in leading the opposition in the United States Senate against the global warming alarmist agenda.

Throughout my fight, one of my primary concerns has been the affect of the global warming movement's so-called "solutions" on the poor - whether here in the United States or around the world. Much of my concern comes from my extensive travel to Africa where I have seen and heard firsthand the negative impacts of the United Nations' environmental policies.

What I am now going to tell you will likely shock you. But it is important that you know the truth about the agenda embraced by radical environmentalists. 

In just two weeks the United Nations will host their latest global warming conference in Durban, South Africa. You remember these conferences - such as the one last year in Cancun or the one before that in Copenhagen? These are opportunities for the world's diplomats to get together for a lavish extravaganza subsidized largely by you, the American taxpayer. The biggest travesty is usually when they run out of caviar.

Yet the brutal irony this year is that while these diplomats enjoy yet another expensive, extravagant trip, the policies implemented at these conferences are having a devastating impact on the world's poor.

Consider that in Uganda, 20,000 farmers were brutally kicked off their lands to allow a British company to plant trees for carbon credits.  This news, by the way, comes from a recent report issued by Oxfam - by no means a conservative organization. Oxfam tells us that armed guards burned houses to the ground, which, at least in one case, resulted in the death of a child.  According to one victim who was interviewed by Oxfam investigators, her family was beaten by soldiers and no longer has enough food to eat.

In Honduras, a United Nations sanctioned industry stole farmland and murdered 23 farmers and their families between January 2010 and March 2011. This is according to a report by the International Fact-Finding Mission that was presented to the European Parliament.  Private security guards employed by this industry were reported to be directly involved, feigning accidents and shooting farmers.

In addition to these atrocities, some governments have been seeking credit or recognition by the United Nations for using population control as a way to mitigate greenhouse gases.  China, for example, is seeking climate credit for its national policies on family planning. According to the government of China's 2007 National Climate Change Program, "Since the implementation of the family planning program, over 300 million births have been averted nationally by 2005...Averted births have resulted in an annual reduction of CO2 emissions by about 1.3 billion tons in 2005." As a proud father and grandfather of twenty kids and grandkids, this makes me sick.

Today, I am sending a letter to Secretary Clinton demanding an immediate investigation into these alleged crimes in Africa and Latin America. I am also urging the State Department to use its influence to block any country, such as China, from gaining climate credit for human lives avoided.  The United States should not turn a blind eye to climate proponents pushing an agenda that views humanity as the "enemy."

If these disturbing trends continue, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will certainly become inconsistent with the laws of our land, including the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  If they are not resolved speedily and satisfactorily, I will call for the United States to withdraw from this UN Global Warming Framework, which, in my opinion, would put a stop to the insanity that has resulted in these deplorable acts against the world's poor and defenseless.  In the meantime, I will also look for ways, together with my colleagues, to cut off U.S. funding to this organization until these human rights abuses are addressed.

While we have been successful in Congress in exposing the global warming hoax, their efforts continue. We've soundly defeated all the legislative attempts at cap and trade and they don't have half the votes necessary to get it passed.  Now President Obama is trying to implement his global warming cap and trade agenda through regulation because he could not do it through legislation.  Our next mission is to bring these more recent crimes to light so that everyone can see the full extent of this extreme agenda.
